V četrtek, 4. novembra 2021, Mlada akademija organizira dogodek z naslovom Doktorat – kako pa ti definiraš uspeh? V prvem delu dogodka bomo izvedli delavnico z naslovom Od preživetja do uspeha tekom doktorata, v kateri bomo predstavili, kaj je dobro vedeti ob začetku doktorata in kaj so ključni elementi, ki so potrebni za uspešen doktorski študij. Naslovili bomo tudi izzive, s katerimi se doktorski študentje pogosto srečujejo, in predstavili strategije za vzpostavitev zdravega ravnotežja med delom in zasebnim življenjem. Delavnica bo istočasno potekala v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. V drugem delu dogodka bosta Dr. Stéphanie Gauttier in Dr. Darragh McCashin, člana ReMO COST akcije, v obliki dveh kratkih predavanj predstavila pomen duševnega zdravja za raziskovalce, povzela najpogostejše težave, s katerimi se srečujejo doktorski študenje, ter podala nasvete, kako jih prepoznati ter kaj lahko storimo sami, da jih preprečimo. Predstavila pa bosta tudi, kako lahko mentorji in sodelavci vplivajo na duševno zdravje doktorskih študentov. Predavanji bosta potekali v angleškem jeziku.
Na dogodek se lahko prijavite na povezavi. Rok za registracijo je 2. november 2021. Program dogodka si lahko ogledate tukaj.
On Thursday November 4th, 2021, the Young Academy of Slovenia is organising a virtual event titled PhD – how do you define success? In the first part of the event, there will be an interactive workshop From surviving to thriving in your PhD, in which we will present what is good to know at the beginning of your PhD and what is needed to successfully finish it. We will discuss common issues that arise during a PhD and present some strategies on how to tackle them and establish a healthy work-life balance. The workshop will be held simultaneously in Slovene and English. In the second part of the event, Dr. Stéphanie Gauttier and Dr. Darragh McCashin, members of the ReMO COST action, will present the importance of mental health for researchers in the form of two short lectures, summarizing the most common problems faced by doctoral candidates, as well as strategies to identify them and the measures we can take ourselves to prevent them. They will also present how mentors and co-workers can influence the mental health of PhD students.
You can register for the event on this link. Registration deadline is 2nd November 2021. You can view the event programme here.