[English below] V Mladi akademiji bomo že četrto leto zapored v okviru Meseca znanosti, ki ga prireja Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport, organizirali dogodek Odprta znanost. Tako kot lanski bo tudi letošnji dogodek potekal v obliki niza štirih dogodkov, pri čemer bodo trije potekali v celoti prek spleta, en pa v hibridni obliki s spletnim prenosom v živo.

Dogodki bodo potekali štiri torke v novembru, tematsko pa bomo naslovili spodbujanje in nagrajevanje odprtih znanstvenih praks, odprt dostop do raziskovalne infrastrukture, odprto strojno opremo in podporo načelom FAIR v okviru Evropskega oblaka odpre znanosti (EOSC).

V torek, 2. novembra, bo od 11. do 12. ure potekal prvi seminar, na katerem bo gostja dr. Fiona Murphy, neodvisna svetovalka za znanstveno založništvo in odprto znanost, sopredsednica delovne skupine za razkrivanje načrtov ravnanj s podatki pri Research Data Alliance, članica usmerjevalnega odbora Force 11 Scholarly Communication Institute in članica uredniškega odbora revije Data Science Journal. Osrednje tema seminarja bo iskanje odgovora na vprašanje, kako spodbuditi in nagraditi odprte znanstvene prakse. Izpostavili in orisali bomo trenutne izzive na področju spodbud, kariernih struktur in usposabljanj raziskovalcev na področju odprtih znanstvenih praks ter razpravljali, kaj lahko naredimo, da okrepimo zagon in zaupanje v tovrstne aktivnosti v prihodnje. Pogovor bo vodila Maja Dolinar iz Mlade akademije.

V torek, 9. novembra, bo od 11. do 12. ure naš gost. dr. Zoran Ren, prorektor za znanstveno-raziskovalno dejavnost Univerze v Mariboru (UM), s katerim se bomo pogovarjali o odprtem dostopu do raziskovalne infrastrukture. Univerza v Mariboru je namreč v fazi izvedbe večjega infrastrukturnega projekta RIUM za nabavo nove vrhunske znanstveno-raziskovalne opreme, s katerimi bo bistveno nadgradila obstoječo raziskovalno infrastrukturo na področju naprednih materialov in tehnologije, zdravja in varne hrane ter pametnih energetskih in krožnih sistemov. Z investicijo bo raziskovalcem UM in tudi drugim slovenskim raziskovalcem zagotovljena uporaba najsodobnejše znanstveno-raziskovalne opreme, ki bo prispevala k bistvenemu povečanju znanstvenoraziskovalnih zmogljivostih ter pripomogla k razvoju specifičnih kadrov. UM razvija sistem odprtega dostopa do javne raziskovalne infrastrukture v okviru projekta, ki bo v prvi vrsti omogočil enostaven, transparenten in enakopraven širši dostop raziskovalcev do raziskovalne opreme ter zagotavljal tudi široko dostopnost za namene izobraževanja in usposabljanja. V okviru predavanja bodo predstavljena osnovna načela odprtega dostopa, vizija UM ter načrtovani sistem njegove vpeljave na UM. Pogovor bo vodil Nejc Novak iz Mlade akademije.

V torek, 23. novembra, bo od 13. do 16. ure potekala delavnica o odprti strojni opremi, ki jo bo vodil Rok Capuder, fizik in direktor Zavoda 404, kot moderatorja pa bosta sodelovala Sebastian Dahle in Majda Pavlin iz Mlade akademije. V okviru delavnice bodo udeleženci spoznali, kako s preprosto in cenovno ugodno merilno opremo izdelati lastni merilni sistem. Z mikrokrmilnikom Arduino bodo usposobili merilnik zračne vlage in temperature ter podatke s senzorjev zapisali v datoteko. Udeleženci se bodo seznanili tudi z ostalimi senzorji, ki jih lahko priklopimo na mikrokrmilnik Arduino, ter njihovo primernostjo za merjenje. Za nekaj primerov znanstvenih meritev (temperatura, hitrost vetra, pH) se bodo na že pripravljenih primernih lahko sami prepričali o natančnosti meritev.

Udeleženci naj s seboj prinesejo svoj prenosni računalnik. Prvi del delavnice bo namenjen nalaganju in zagonu odprtokodne programske opreme. Za razliko od ostalih treh dogodkov v nizu bo delavnica potekala v živo v prostorih Zavoda 404 (Mencingerjeva ulica 7, 1000 Ljubljana). Zaradi omejenega števila mest je za udeležbo v živo obvezna predhodna registracija. Za ogled prek spleta pa registracija ni potrebna.

V torek, 30. novembra, bomo od 12. do 13. ure, gostili Sarah Jones, vodjo odnosov z uporabniki pri vseevropskem omrežju za raziskovalno in izobraževalno skupnost GEANT ter članico upravnega odbora Evropskega oblaka odprte znanosti (EOSC), v okviru katerega se ukvarja predvsem z načeli FAIR (najdljivost, dostopnost, interoperabilnost in ponovna uporabnost). Je informacijska strokovnjakinja z več kot desetletjem izkušenj dela v raziskovalnih podatkovnih službah v visokošolskem sektorju. Na centru za digitalno skrbništvo je vodila strotitve DMPonline in delala na svetovanju in usposabljanju. Tema seminarja bo ravno podpora načelom FAIR v okviru EOSC. V okviru seminarja bo predstavljeno ozadje EOSC in načel FAIR ter pojasnjeno, kako lahko podporne in druge storitve v okviru EOSC pri tem pomagajo. Pri tem bodo zajeti primeri podpore načel FAIR na različnih področjih. Z njo se bo pogovarjala Ana Slavec iz Mlade akademije

Vse dogodke si bo možno ogledati brez registracije prek YouTube prenosa. Če želite prejeti opomnik o začetku dogodka, se naročite na YouTube kanal Mlade akademije. Če želite postavljati vprašanja in sodelovati v razpravi, pa lahko na spletnih seminarjih sodelujete preko Zooma:



For the fourth year in a row, the Young Academy will organize the Open Science event as part of the Science Month organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Slovenia. As last year, this year’s event will take the form of a series of four events, with three taking place entirely online and one in hybrid form (live with webcast).

The events will take place on four Tuesdays in November, and will thematically cover how to incentivise and reward open science practices, open access to research infrastructure, open hardware and supporting FAIR principles in EOSC.

The first webinar will take place on Tuesday, November 2 from 11.00 to 12.00. Our guest will be dr. Fiona Murphy, an independent consultant for scientific publishing and open science, co-chair of the Research Data Alliance’s Disclosure Planning Task Force, member of the Force 11 Scholarly Communication Institute Steering Committee, and member of the editorial board of the Data Science Journal. The seminar will address the question of how to incentivise and reward open scientific practices. She will highlight and outline the current challenges in terms of incentives, career structures and training of researchers in the field of open scientific practices, and discuss what we can do to strengthen the momentum and confidence in such activities in the future. The discussion will be led by Maja Dolinar from the Young Academy of Slovenia.

On our second webinar on Tuesday, November 9 from 11.00 to 12.00 our guest will be prof. dr. Zoran Ren, vice-rector for scientific research at the University of Maribor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research of the University of Maribor, with whom we will discuss open access to research infrastructure. The University of Maribor is in the phase of implementing a major RIUM infrastructure project for the purchase of new state-of-the-art scientific research equipment, which will significantly upgrade the existing research infrastructure in the field of advanced materials and technology, health and food safety and smart energy and circular systems. The investment will ensure the use of state-of-the-art scientific research equipment by UM researchers as well as other Slovenian researchers, which will contribute to a significant increase in scientific research capacities and contribute to the development of specific staff. The University of Maribor is developing a system of open access to public research infrastructure within the project, which will primarily enable easy, transparent and equal access of researchers to research equipment and also ensure wide accessibility for education and training purposes. The lecture will present the basic principles of open access, the vision of UM and the planned approach of its introduction at the University of Maribor. The discussion will be led by Nejc Novak from the Young Academy of Slovenia.

On Tuesday, November 23 from 13.00 to 16.00 we will hold a workshop on open hardware, led by Rok Capuder, physicist and director of the Zavod 404 institute, with Sbastian Dahle and Majda Pavlin from the Young Academy of Slovenia as moderators. The workshop will show the participants how to build and test a simple measuring system. By using an air humidity and temperature sensor combined with the microcontroller Arduino they will be able to log and store data onto their laptops. Additionally the participants will learn about other sensors that can be used with the Arduino microcontroller. On a set of pre-prepared measuring scenarios they will be able to experiment on how different sensors in different price ranges perform.

Participants need to bring their own laptops. The first part of the workshop will be dedicated to the installment of open source programming software. Unlike the other three events in the series, the workshop will take place on the premises of Zavod 404 (Mencingerjeva ulica 7, 1000 Ljubljana). Due to the limited number of places, registration is required for participation at the venue. However, no registration is required to watch the live-stream online.

On Tuesday, November 30, from 12.00 to 13.00 we will host Sarah Jones, EOSC engagement manager at Geant, the Trans-European Research and Education Community Network, and a member of the Board of directors of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) where she focuses on the implementation of FAIR principles (findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability). She is an information professional with over a decade of experience working in the research data services in the higher education sector. At the Digital Curation Centre she led the DMPonline services and worked on consultancy and training. The topic of the webinar will be support for FAIR principles within the EOSC. She will present the background to the EOSC and FAIR and explain how researchers can make their data FAIR and what kinds of support and services available within EOSC can help. Examples on how FAIR is being supported in different disciplines will be covered. The discussion will be led by Ana Slavec from the Young Academy of Slovenia.

All events can be viewed without registering via YouTube upload. To receive a reminder to start the event, subscribe to the Young Academy of Slovenia’s YouTube channel. Alternatively, you can also participate through Zoom, which will allow you to ask questions and participate in the discussion: